We are a large team of experienced plumber, roofing contractor, waterproofing specialist and electrician. We are known for our immediate response time as we can mobilise and send different specialist to your house immediately. We are always the best plumber, roofing contractor, waterproofing specialist and electrician near you. We cover across KL and Selangor, with our big team, we can always serve you instantly. You do not have to wait, if you have any emergency water leaking or electricity blackout.
We provide experienced plumber to install, repair and maintain water supply and systems, sanitation units and related appliances in both residential and commercial buildings. Our plumbers are qualified to install and replace new piping or repair any pipe leaking in your building. Our plumbers can also install plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, sinks, toilets and appliances including faucet, water heater, water pump, water filter and water tank. If your toilet fixtures is damaged or leaking, we help to repair or replace them. We can also help you clear clogged piping, drains and toilets and provide sewerage maintenance. We recommend hiring a professional and licensed plumber like us to handle substantial repairs or a more extensive plumbing damage to help you save time and cost in the long run.

Roofing contractor helps to install, repair, replace and make renovations on the roof of a building. Roofing works require experienced and qualified contractors as it involves heavy lifting, proper skill to handle roof materials and have safety requirements. Roofing contractors can help repair damaged roof that caused by weather, water leaks, fires and similar events. They begin by inspecting roof to determine extent of damage or to identify cause for water seepage. Then they provide repair for roof leak, roof structure damage, ceiling crack and water damage. It includes tearing off shingles, repair or replace decks, install new roofing materials as well as keeping the site clean. They can also do PU injection, refurbish and replace old roofing with new roofing or do roof painting for roof maintenance.
Waterproofing specialist is responsible for installing various waterproofing treatment, application and works including roof top waterproofing, balcony waterproofing, toilet waterproofing and PU injection. Experienced waterproofing specialist will identify your leakage problems and provide suitable waterproofing solutions for your building. They are skilled specialist who can handle waterproofing works with range of waterproofing chemicals and coating products. Hiring a professional waterproofing specialist can help you save time and money on regular building maintenance and avoid future water leakage problems.

Electrician constantly work on electricity such as install wiring and lighting, rewiring equipment and fixtures, inspect electrical components and troubleshoot electrical problems. They can handle 3-phase wiring, install, repair or replace electrical wiring and equipment such as for lighting and new plug point. They can also investigate and repair power outage, blackout problems, burnt fuse and power trip. Other than that, they can also help to install electrical fixtures such as water heater, air-conditioner and auto-gate to improves daily activities and enhance your building. Skilled electrician can help you upgrade your electrical systems and improves both safety and utility of your building.
Call us if you have any inquiries with your building plumbing, roof, water leaking and electrical problems. Make sure that you always get a qualified and experienced technician or contractor who can fix your problem efficiently and help you save time and maintenance cost in the future.
Resolve your problem first time through, and avoid the problem to recur and deteriorate into bigger issue in future. We provide with only professional, licensed and skill worker to help you handle your building problems and utility.